Pitch for Wealthport

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Company / App Name: Wealthport

Twitter – @Wealthport

What does it do?

Wealthport helps E-commerce businesses increase conversion rates by upto 56% and reduce manual effort 20-fold. We do this by using AI to improve data quality, automatically cleaning, categorising and integrating product data.

Why do we need it?

Wealthport helps E-commerce businesses display accurate and high-quality information about thousands of products you see in online stores every day. Without Wealthport, it would take weeks or months before new products are shown online.

Who is it for?

Wealthport is for product managers, marketers and IT teams looking to improve data quality and speed up time-to-market within their E-commerce business.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Wealthport uses artificial intelligence to automatically clean, integrate and categorise data. Unlike rule-based ETL or scripting tools, Wealthport adapts on the fly and learns over time.

What’s next?

We have already launched the Wealthport web app and API, enabling anyone to simply upload their data and order a processing job online. Next is additional data output formats and integration with major PIM systems.