Pitch for Reactful

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Company / App Name: Reactful

Twitter – https://twitter.com/Reactful

What does it do?

Reactful is a platform that triggers reactions in order to turn ‘maybe later’ visitors into customers. By understanding visitors “digital body language” it can figure out the best reaction to trigger in order to increase conversion.

Why do we need it?

There’s 3 types of site visitors: the No, the Yes, and the Maybe. The No will never be interested, the Yes will convert no matter what, but the Maybes show interest but are not sure to convert. Reactful turns more “Maybe Laters” into a Yes.

Who is it for?

Mostly digital marketing managers, Conversion Rate optimisation managers, growth hackers… It’s so simple, anyone can easily use it.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Reactful has:
– Unprecedented amount of behavioral triggers (Idle, confusion, form abandonment…)
– Unprecedented amount of Reactions – Shaking a button, Folding an element in 3D, Showing a message.
– Simplicity, Playfulness, Quick impact

What’s next?

More AI & machine learning to make Website optimization a breeze for marketers. The system suggests improvements and executes them automatically with minimal guidance from the marketer. The marketers inputs their goals and Reactful meets it

Link to Company / App Demo video