Pitch for My Calorie Limit


Company / App Name: My Calorie Limit

Twitter – mycalorielimit

What does it do?

Calculates how many calories a person needs per day to reach their goal weight

Why do we need it?

By regulating the amount of energy we give our bodies with food, we can induce weight loss 
and gain.
If we feed our body more energy than it burns, we will gain weight.
This is known as a “calorie surplus.”
On the other side, if we feed

Who is it for?

Our app is for anyone who wants to lose weight, maintain weight or even gain weight

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

We tried to differentiate ourselfs from other weightloss and diet apps by launching a simplistic and user-friendly app without tons of unnecessary features

What’s next?

My short-term goals is to get my product noticed by as many people as possible.