Pitch for Learn Spanish Hello-Hello

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Company / App Name: Learn Spanish Hello-Hello



What does it do?

Learn Spanish (Hello-Hello) offer users an interactive and fun way of learning a Spanish language by integrating different conversational situations in lessons specifically developed to do basic verbal communication.

Why do we need it?

Learn Spanish with the #1 App for foreign language learning courses on Play Store
– The World’s First Language Learning App on the iPad
– Featured by Apple as Staff Favorites
– #2 Position on the Education Category in the US**

Who is it for?

The app is developed for users who are seeking foreign language skills to improve their academics and professional chances. The app also assist users to communicate with natives, while travelling to a foreign land.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The app is developed in collaboration with ACTFL – The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, which is the largest and most respected association for language teachers and professionals.

What’s next?

Reach to more and more people and assist them to learn a foreign language

Link to Company / App Demo video
