Pitch for iLand

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Company / App Name: iLand

Twitter – BurningDesireCorporations

What does it do?

A visually pleasing Live Wallpaper that changes colour according to the time of the day.

Why do we need it?

This is the most artistic and mood changing live wallpaper you will see on the Android platform.

Who is it for?

For kids and adults of ll ages. The colours of the wallpaper are designed to be easy on everyone’s eyes and provide a sense of calmness.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The fact that it changes colours and artwork according to the time of day, is ad free, has weather integration, special effects(snow, rain) are the reasons that this wallpaper stands out from the crowd.

What’s next?

We also have launched a kickstarter campaign to help the cause. As we get the funds more features will be added. kickstarter.com/projects/1694577009/iland-live-wallpaper-android

Pitch Video
