Pitch for DoYourThing


Company / App Name: DoYourThing

Twitter – Purplebat LLC

What does it do?

DoYourThing is a fun app for users to organize and join events in their neighborhood. Find events of interest like Music,Sports, Food, Sale, Bars, Clubs, Museums, Art. DYT lets you filter events by #tag. The Possibilities are endless.

Why do we need it?

DYT bridges the gap between virtual and active life. Bored on a weekend or in new town? DYT will help you connect with locals and make new friends. You can organize public/private events and share it with public or just friends.

Who is it for?

Anyone looking for a more active and fulfilling life. DYT is useful for most age groups. DYT is convenient and fun. Organize study groups, music lessons, tutoring classes, family get-together, socialize with friends and family.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

DYT is fast, easy and has events from popular sites in 170+ cities. It has 3 views. NEW has events by distance/time. ME has events that you organized/joined. MEMORIES has expired events from ME. Share, Like, Post reviews about any event.

What’s next?

Consistent App icons and colors. Easier search feature with trending tags, Ability to view events in any location globally, filter events by Today, Tomorrow, weekend, Add video to your events are planned in the next release.

Link to Company / App Demo video
