Pitch for AvailabilityCalendar.com

Company / App Name: AvailabilityCalendar.com

Twitter – availabilityc

What does it do?

AvailabilityCalendar.com allows you to create and publish availability calendars with a few clicks. No installation or databases are needed. It works out of the box! Easily generate embed codes to include a calendar on your website.

Why do we need it?

When you rent something out, for example your holiday home, you want to manage and share the availability of it in the most simple way. Then you need something as simple as AvailabilityCalendar.com.

Who is it for?

For everyone that rents something out!

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The simplicity. It just does what it should do. Nothing more, nothing less.

What’s next?

We’re going to create some new calendar templates in the near future. Like a yearly overview. Also we’re going to develop the ability to have ‘splitted days’.

Pitch Video
