Beta Pitch for Companions

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Company / App Name: Companions

Twitter – withcompanions

What does it do?

We allow you to create a network that closely resembles who you are and what you do. We call this your growth network. It would be 4x more meaningful to interact with these people instead of regular social media.

Why do we need it?

It is hard to find people similar to you. The second part is that there are people similar to you. But those people and us are not connected. IF we are connected with people who are similar to us in goals, we can stay much more motivated.

Who is it for?

It is for everybody who has a vision in life and really wants to grow in order to get there. For those who don’t have a mission, it is a chance to form it. The app provides inspiration, motivation, learning and companions.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

It is based on following people based on what kind of relation you want to form with them. Do you want them as a companion, as a mentor, as a role model. You have multiple ways to connect with people.

When and how are you opening up your beta to new users?

We have already opened a waiting list on our website. And we have a twitter profile through which we are posting organic replies, in the hopes of regular spikes in engagement.

When do you plan on launching?

We will launch when we have enough people on the waiting list. Hopefully, that happens in less than 6 months.