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Pitch for YPlan

Company / App Name: YPlan
Twitter – @yplan

What does it do?

The YPlan app is launching in London soon. It’s your pass to tonight’s hottest gigs, movies, theatre or even rickshaw racing & chess boxing!

Sign up here. Get pre-launch access and a chance to win an iPhone 5

Why do we need it?

The best nights out are spontaneous. So why plan, when you have YPlan?

Who is it for?

Anyone who loves going out, being spontaneous, lives in London and has an iPhone (if you sign up to priority access you might just win one!)

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Spontaneity – we’re challenging Londoners to spice up their evenings. WIth our app you can discover, book and go out in London on the same day!

What’s next?

We’ll be launching in the next few weeks – stay tuned to get your pass to tonights hottest gigs.

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