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Beta Pitch for Trace

Company / App Name: Trace
Twitter – Risingstack

What does it do?

Trace helps developer teams to track how their applications communicate with each other, to immediately localize issues and to create alerts about connections, process times and other changes in a microservice architecture.

Why do we need it?

There is no way a human can ultimately map how all of the services are talking to each other while using microservices, so companies need tools to grant the visibility of their infrastructure.

Who is it for?

Everybody from Enterprise IT teams to standalone developers/startups, who are building on a microservice architecture.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Trace has a distributed stack-trace visualisation feature which enables developers to automatically localise an ongoing issue.

When and how are you opening up your beta to new users?

Trace is currently in closed beta stage, which means that only pre-subscribed users can access it right now. In the near future (4-8 weeks) we will reach the open beta stage, when everyone can try it without waiting for a beta code.

When do you plan on launching?

April, 2016

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