Pitch for TellStreet

Company / App Name: TellStreet

Twitter – @TellStreetInc

What does it do?

TellStreet shows you all the activities happening right now or in the past/future near you or at any location. What ever be the case, tell others what you are doing and and join interesting activities around you.

Why do we need it?

You are looking for that extra player to join your game in the park now? for a buddy to play video games at home? found an awesome deal in a local store and want to tell others about it? TellStreet is destination for all such impromptus

Who is it for?

For those of you who just can\\\’t sit back at home all day and watch tv. Who want to go out and get a vibrant life.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The interface is so intuitive and the results are stellar. Just drag the map to an area where you want to see activities and just enjoy the experience

What’s next?

RSVP for activities, plan a gathering and invite others for your impromptu events through tellstreet

Pitch Video
