Pitch for Socifi

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Company / App Name: Socifi

Twitter – @Socifi

What does it do?

Socifi is public free WiFi hotspot solution with social media features and probably first monetizing and advertising platform open for free WiFi providers and advertisers.

Why do we need it?

Customers expect free Wifi. Let them be more loyal, engaged and satisfied. Promote your business, monetize free WiFi & get customer analytics.

Who is it for?

Solution suitable for brands & venues. Typical usage of WiFi marketing: Airports & stations, Shopping malls, Hospitals, Municipal WiFi, Events, ISP.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

We proudly represent Socifi Media Network. Generating extra revenue for venues and providing new media space for advertisers. Regardless with free WiFi for customers.

What’s next?

We currently offer a limited number of accounts.

Pitch Video
