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Pitch for WishBooklet

Company / App Name: WishBooklet
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What does it do?

WishBooklet is a easy way to get funding for the gifts you really want. On our app you can easily create a wish list of items you want from any online store and crowd fund gifts with your friends and family. Think kick-starter for products.

Why do we need it?

Currently there is no online solution for getting friends and family to pitch in and buy you the gifts you actually want. WishBooklet allows you to get what you really want and nobody has to pay a ton of money to get it for you.

Who is it for?

WishBooklet is for the individual who needs help purchasing a gift or the individual looking to purchase a gift for someone. Most of our users fall between age 16-30 and tend to be heavy users of social media.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The concept of crowdfunding is by no means new as people have been using this for years to fund business and charitable dreams. WishBooklet is unique because it allows people to crowd fund their own materialistic needs and wants.

What’s next?

We are just trying to continue to grow our user base and generate more partnerships with online retailers. For more info visit We plan to raise a seed round of funding in the next couple of months.

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