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Pitch for Vitfor Limited

Company / App Name: Vitfor Limited

What does it do?

We’ve brought together the latest ideas in sports physiology and computing power to create a virtual training system for cyclists and runners that adapts as you train.

Why do we need it?

We’re all different and your training should be too. Vitfor’s unique virtual training bridges the gap between a one-size-fits-all approach and top-of-the-range personal training.

Who is it for?

Cyclists, runners and triathletes who have some miles under the belt but haven’t yet got any structure to their training and want to discover their maximum potential.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Your training programme will adapt as you train and it’s flexible to fit around your lifestyle, taking into account busy schedules, holidays, goals and events.

What’s next?

Integrating Vitfor with your Garmin information.

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