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Pitch for Saent

Company / App Name: Saent
Twitter – getsaent

What does it do?

Saent creates the ideal conditions for doing great work by removing digital distractions and helping you work in the perfect rhythm, and offers positive behavior change recommendations that lead to healthier and more productive habits.

Why do we need it?

Our always connected digital world has stretched our attention spans to the breaking point, which means it’s harder than ever to focus and get work done. Saent helps you regain your deep focus and work smarter.

Who is it for?

Anyone who to improve the quality of their work, but specifically digital creatives — designers, developers, writers, etc. who benefit from deep, uninterrupted focus time.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Our emphasis on positive behavior change differentiates Saent from other distraction blocking apps out there. Our goal isn’t just to help you focus so you can work more; we want you to focus so you can work smarter and lead a better life.

What’s next?

The Saent app is currently free in public beta. Coming soon are integrations with other apps, and a Premium feature, which adds more features. We also have a companion hardware device that we crowdfunded in 2015.

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