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Pitch for Mindfit

Company / App Name: Mindfit
Twitter – mindfitapp

What does it do?

It’s easy to get stuck in negative thoughts and feelings about yourself when you go trough a tough time like stress, lack of energy and motivation or depression.

Using proven methods and techniques you will be guided to a better everyda

Why do we need it?

Mindfit teaches users to shift their focus away from negative thought patterns and low self-esteem, to a greater sense of mastery and positive thoughts about themselves.

It helps users to be aware of their problem areas, and gain insight

Who is it for?

#ehealth #tech #startup #apps #mentaltraining #selfhelp #mindfulness #stress-management

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Mindfit is a self help app that focuses on mental health training.

What’s next?

New offers coming soon

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