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Pitch for Journify, Inc.

Company / App Name: Journify, Inc.
Twitter – @journifyco

What does it do?

Journify is a voice-first timeline app allowing millennials to record their memories and enjoy the benefits of journaling on the go. Users can tap to record, organize the encrypted voice notes with tags, and track their burnout score.

Why do we need it?

7 in 10 millennials already suffered from burnout before the pandemic, so we’re more eager than ever to find ways to reduce tension and boost our happiness levels. Many self report have tried journaling, but writing is a thing of the past.

Who is it for?

Millennials that are constantly stressed and need a mainstream solution to calm their spinning minds. We’re already sharing voice updates with our friends, so now we have Journify to vent free of judgement.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Journify followed an iterative testing process with over 100 millennials, so the UI is cool and intuitive, privacy is at the core of the functionality, but users can also tap their voice updates to share them via text, email, Whatsapp, etc.

What’s next?

Journify just launched to its waitlisters and is now focused on establishing partnerships with different student groups, companies, and nonprofits to make sure the app reaches more millennials while we try to navigate this crisis.

Link to Company / App Demo video

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