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Pitch for GitPrime

Company / App Name: GitPrime
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What does it do?

GitPrime provides statistical analysis on your codebase to highlight work patterns, identify team- and developer-specific areas for improvement, and offer concrete data to stakeholders on engineering progress.

Why do we need it?

Other departments (Sales, Marketing, Customer Support) all have metrics, but software engineering management has remained subjective and arbitrary. GitPrime helps engineering leaders bring concrete data into discussions for the first time.

Who is it for?

The reports in GitPrime are for leaders of software teams: lead developers, engineering managers, CTO/VPE types and external stakeholders.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Story points and tickets only tell part of the story. GitPrime gives you a unified view of software engineering progress across all repos and teams based on concrete data.

What’s next?

In 2016, we were backed by Y Combinator. Our focus is on integrations with other tools, expanded reporting, and continually refining the product. Our goal is to become the de-facto tool for data-driven reporting for software engineering.

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