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Pitch for DocRaptor

Company / App Name: DocRaptor
Twitter – Doc_Raptor

What does it do?

DocRaptor is a freemium web service that allows users to generate PDF and Excel documents from basic HTML. It works in any programming language, and there is nothing to download.

Why do we need it?

DocRaptor eliminates the need for tedious coding. It uses PrinceXML as the engine for converting HTML to PDF, so you get the power of Prince without the expense.

Who is it for?

DocRaptor is for programmers in any language, as well as eBook publishers who want to easily create PDFs from HTML

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Unlike other solutions, DocRaptor is a web service with nothing to download. It can convert not only HTML to PDF, but HTML to XLS, it works in any language, and its the only service of its kind to offer the power of Prince without the cost

What’s next?

DocRaptor will continue to add features and develop new plans based on feedback from users.

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