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Pitch for CultureBoom

Company / App Name: CultureBoom

What does it do?

We help founders and leaders of startups build a growth enabling company culture by using culture data and our 3-stage model.

Why do we need it?

Culture is your biggest problem after traction.

Culture helps you manage the people side of your growth. We are here to help fast growing startups of 10+ people. It also acts as a promotional tool to bring better talent and more clients.

Who is it for?

It is for startup / scaleup founders that enjoy fast growth and usually have teams above 10 people.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Usually, the solution around culture are in the form of consultancy services. Cultureboom is a concrete product with a clear picture of what deliverables they receive, how and when.

What’s next?

Cultureboom is growing and maturing as a product each day. We are excited to onboard companies which we can help.

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