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Pitch for Caramelized

Company / App Name: Caramelized
Twitter – CaramelCooks

What does it do?

What iTunes is to music, Caramelized is to cooking. Search across all of your cookbooks and purchase whole books or individual recipes. Convenience tools (e.g. timers, recipe scaling) and grocery shopping are integrated.

Why do we need it?

Behind every 30 minute meal lie 3 hours of planning, shopping and preparation. Save time and perfect your cooking skills.

Who is it for?

Caramelized is for home cooks, who want to save time and healthy and ambitious hobby cooks looking to take on new challenges.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

All other digital forms of cookbooks treat each book like an island and they ignore the time and effort that go into the planning and shopping.

What’s next?

We are about to launch in German with 5 books. By the end of the year we should have at least 30 books in English, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian and Hebrew.

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