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Pitch for Atlas Nutrition

Company / App Name: Atlas Nutrition

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What does it do?

A rewards and personal finance-based calorie counting app – it allows users to track calorie consumption, macronutrient intake, and food budget all in one place and earn rewards for achieving their goals.

Why do we need it?

There is an inaccurate connotation that eating healthy requires expensive food costs and we are here to remove that stigma. Additionally, people historically have a difficult time sticking to diets – we make it easier to stay on track.

Who is it for?

People who want to track their nutrition. Budget-conscious fitness enthusiasts. Anyone looking for extra motivation to stick to their diet. Those looking for discounts/coupons on their favorite health and wellness brands.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

No other nutrition app allows users to earn any sort of rewards for their hard work, nor allows them to gain insight into the cost of their nutritional choices, let alone both.

What’s next?

Incorporating our initial rewards system, adding additional cost-analysis insight tools, and social features that will allow our community to share, teach, and learn about different cost-effective nutritional choices from each other.

Link to Company / App Demo video

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