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Beta Pitch for OmniHealthcare

Company / App Name: OmniHealthcare
Twitter – OmniHealthUSA

What does it do?

OmniHealthcare is a twofold company. The first half is an evidence-based health education, in which we write how to’s about healthcare. The second half is called TruEnsure, which insures members and demonstrably cuts costs to a fraction

Why do we need it?

Healthcare costs are astronomically high, for no good reason. Our insurers are greedy and waste money, and our doctors and healthcare authorities are factually wrong about much of what they teach. We need OmniHealthcare to fix the system.

Who is it for?

OmniHealthcare is for every single American alive that wants better health at a better value. So, basically everyone.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

There have been religiously linked models for the past ~10 years that have proven that TruEnsure can most definitely work, but these models don’t utilize evidence-based medicine education and they don’t do any marketing.

When and how are you opening up your beta to new users?

New users are welcome right now and we want as many as possible. On our website, you can join our mailing list and get a quote. We also want users to refer more users, so we are promoting that idea, too.

When do you plan on launching?

Once we reach ~5000 users (as calculated by our data) we can safely start insuring our users and can jump start our health education.

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