Pitch for Quote Daily!


Company / App Name: Quote Daily!


What does it do?

This app provides a quote to the user whenever a certain topic is chosen.

Why do we need it?

Inspiration and motivation are 2 of the biggest factors in the effectiveness of everyone’s work. Most people have the motivation for money, while others want to get better. This app would spark the want to do their best.

Who is it for?

It is for people of all ages and personalities. This is the great thing about it. It’s ideal for any gender, any age, and any interest.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

All of the quote apps in the App Store are for one thing, wether it is inspiration, motivation, or love. This app is for ALL topics and any emotions. We would update this app frequently so that all personalities and desires are met.

What’s next?

We will keep adding more topics and updating our app until there are at least 100 topics in our app, which rounds to at least 100,000+ quotes all together.