Pitch for Construction Profile


Company / App Name: Construction Profile

Twitter – @conprofile

What does it do?

Create Profile
Search Construction Professionals
Apply For Construction Jobs
Post Construction Job
Post upcoming Projects
Bid on upcoming Projects
Schedule Meetings
Build A Portfolio

Why do we need it?

You have the ability to see construction professionals work before hiring them. If your looking for a job in the construction industry it simplifies your search. Your portfolio is your resume.

Who is it for?

Anyone in the construction industry, homeowners, business owners, subcontractors, general contractors. Skilled tradesman looking for side work or just show there talents.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

There is no app out on the market that allows you to do the things you can with construction Profile. Best part it free for all users

What’s next?

Version 2 upload larger plans, enhanced profile, simplified search engine upgrades.

Link to Company / App Demo video
