Pitch for BrightStarManagement.com

Company / App Name: BrightStarManagement.com


What does it do?

BrightStarManagement.com is a portal for Executives conducting a professional Employment Campaign. The site connects candidate for positions above $200K with a Private Agent network that get the job done.

Why do we need it?

BrightStarManagement.com is a portal for Executives conducting a professional Employment Campaign. The site connects candidate for positions above $200K with a Private Agent network that get the job done.

Who is it for?

BrightStarManagement.com is a portal for Executives conducting a professional Employment Campaign. The site connects candidate for positions above $200K with a Private Agent network that get the job done.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

BrightStarManagement.com is a portal for Executives conducting a professional Employment Campaign. The site connects candidate for positions above $200K with a Private Agent network that get the job done.

What’s next?

BrightStarManagement.com is a portal for Executives conducting a professional Employment Campaign. The site connects candidate for positions above $200K with a Private Agent network that get the job done.

Pitch Video
